Other amazing women:
Nellie Bly,
Lydia Pinkham,
Dr. Marie Stopes

A pioneering woman physician and a
mail-order business for women's
diseases and menstruation: Dr. Grace Feder
Envelopes she mailed
to prospective patients
The upper
envelope contained the
return envelope (bottom) and the
two other sheets (letter;
exam sheet front,
from Dr. Thompson seen in this
section. Dr. Thompson offered a
mail-order medical treatment.
San Francisco must have been
excited about its exposition, or
maybe things were just a bit slow;
the postmark
promotes an event taking place
three years hence.
SarahAnne Hazlewood
generously donated the Thompson
advertising material to this
museum. The daughter of Dr.
Thompson's third husband, Jerrie
Wacholder, contributed the
biographical information and
files, long download!

See a similar examination sheet for the
patent medicine Cardui.
See Cardui
patent medicine, Dr.
Pierce's empire, and Lydia Pinkham's
Other amazing
women: Nellie Bly, Lydia Pinkham, Dr.
Marie Stopes
© 1997, 2005
Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce
or distribute work on this Web site in any
manner or medium without
written permission of the author. Please
report suspected violations to hfinley@mum.org