See the Fibs box and an ad for Fibs - 1935-59 ads for
See more Kotex items:
First ad
for the pad (1921; scroll to bottom of page)

Museum of Menstruation and Women's
Fibs menstrual tampon, Kotex, about 1937,
A book, "Shared Values: A
History of Kimberly-Clark" by
Robert Spector (1997), mentions
Fibs as the earliest K-C tampon by
name. But it also says "The
company made several stops and
starts in the tampon business" (p.
67). I have evidence that Nunap and
tampons might have been among
their first stops and starts (read
my argument)
- and they
might have been the first
commercial tampons.
According to "Shared Values,"
Fibs was too big and bulky, did
not sell well and eventually
box of
Fibs, the first Kotex tampon, held
four packages of three tampons
each (left). Look how the
packaging is similar
to that of fax and Nunaps.
copyright 2006 Harry Finley