See more Kotex items:
First ad
for the pad (1921; scroll to bottom of page)

Museum of Menstruation and Women's
Fibs menstrual tampon, started 1930s,
Kotex, U.S.A.
Fibs was the first major Kotex
tampon (see two possible predecessors),
in the late 1930s, and like Wix and fax,
had no applicator; Tampax (which
appeared before
1936) owned the patent
for applicators.
Note the Kotex crosses, which
promote a medical comfort, and are
typical of Kotex boxes until the
1950s. In a sense Kotex pads
started out as bandages, so
perhaps the crosses are not
entirely fluff. Read
this early history of Kotex.
Fibs was also the name of one of
the original cat
members of the museum. She
died in 2009.
See the actual tampon and
an ad
for it.

See the actual tampon
and an ad for it.
See the roughly contemporary Cashay and Dale tampons, and
very early Tampax
and fax.
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