See Quest sanitary
napkin powder and Zero-Jel
vaginal cream.
See a Modess True or
False? ad in The American Girl magazine,
January 1947, and actress Carol
Lynley in "How Shall I Tell My Daughter"
booklet ad (1955) - Modess
. . . . because ads (many dates).

Ria Panty Pads (Germany, 1980)
This is an actual sample of the Ria
panty pad, stuck onto the
advertisement, and sold like that, in
a German magazine, July 1980.
Note the name "Hartmann," which is
the probable maker of the first
disposable German pad.
It's a shame the ad has been damaged
on the right side.
See a later
Ria ad.

See Quest sanitary
napkin powder and Zero-Jel
vaginal cream.
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