German Camelia ad
(1920s) - German Camelia
ad right before World War ll - German Camelia ad touting
disposal bag(1990s)

Ad for Camelia
menstrual pads, France, 1970s?
Camelia started selling the first
widely successful disposable pad in
Germany in 1926, and I heard recently
that the American Kimberly-Clark
corporation, which introduced the
first widely successful disposable pad
(Kotex) in the United States in 1920,
bought Camelia in 1997.
Below is a French ad for the pad,
probably from the 1970s.
Compare this to two previous Camelia
ads (from the 1920s,
bottom of page; from the 1930s), and
to a French Modess
ad (probably also from the
1970s); times certainly have changed!
You will not
see such a daring ad for menstrual
products in the U.S.A.
The Frenchman who kindly donated
the ad to this museum wishes to
remain anonymous.

German Camelia
ad (1920s) - German Camelia ad
right before World War ll - German Camelia ad
touting disposal bag (1990s)
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