More about women's health, masturbation, etc., in old American texts:
The Science of a New Life, by Dr. John Cowan,
1875 - in Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Spermatorrhea"
section of The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser
(63rd edition, 1895) - in The Sexual System and Its
Derangements, by Dr. E. C. Abbey (1882) - in Kelly's Gynecology,
1928 - Rachel Maines wrote a book about other doctors' masturbating their patients, male
and female, as a treatment, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries: The Technology of Orgasm: "Hysteria," the Vibrator,
and Women's Sexual Satisfaction (Johns Hopkins Press, 1999)

Vegetarianism, "natural foods," anti-smoking, etc.:
Plain Facts for Old and Young:
Embracing the Natural History and Hygiene of
Organic Life,
by J. H. Kellogg, M. D. (1892, Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A.)
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg was the staff physician at the Battle Creek
Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Michigan, U.S.A., for many years, an advocate
of vegetarianism (the Kellogg in Kellogg's corn flakes is his), foe of smoking
and a respected surgeon. You might have seen the American movie about him.
He passionately advocated enemas, as you will read here and there in these
excerpts, and I wonder if he isn't one of the inspirations for the "high-colonic"
fad in the U.S.A. He was maybe half a quack, but who can say today what
will be seen as silly tomorrow?
He even more than the other authors on this site despised masturbation,
even resorting to operating on a 10-year-old girl to stop her habit (as
you will read, he betrays his doubts about whether he should have done it
or not). He epitomizes the anti-masturbation mania.
By the way, read the whole book here
in html form. Isn't the 'Net great - when it works?
I jump into the middle of the masturbation discussion; most of it repeats
what Dr. Pierce and others, in the links above, have to say.
I trimmed the margins of the pages to speed down load.
SarahAnne Hazlewood generously donated this
book to the museum.

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