German Amira
tampons: Early
Dutch ad for Amira
(August, 1979) showing blue liquid and
1920s Kotex pad disposal
instructions in Spanish
Tampax Satin
Learner's Kit, 2001, in 3
languages: English.
Booklet, pads & tampons
Trousse de
l'étudiante French
Estuche de Aprendizaje
See also Ads for
menstrual hygiene companies made for girls,
women and teachers - patent
medicine - a list
of books and articles about menstruation


Amira menstrual
tampons, México, 1967
para la higiene interna mensuel de
la mujer
Prosan, Fabrica Mexicana de
Productos Sanitarios, S. A.
Buenavista, México
napkin, tampon,
pad, belts,
menstruation, women's health, ads
for teenagers,
menstrual period, cycle, panty
I thank Tambrands, the former
maker of Tampax, for the donation!
There's no
text on the paper
Strangely, right out of the
wrapping, the
cotton plug projects almost
completely out of the tube.
I'd think it would be wobbly and
hard to insert.
It measures 6" (15.2 cm) from
the end of the tube to the tip of
the plug.

The string
is short, 3 3/4" (9.5 cm). The plug is 3
1/8 x 1/2" (7.9 x 1.3 cm).
The outer
(larger) tube is 2 3/4 x
7/16" (7 x 1.2 cm), the inner 2
7/8 x 1/2" (7.3 x 1.3 cm).

Enlarged, the end of the tampon
string looks like those little fingers,
the fimbriae,
that guide
the egg into the Fallopian tube, doesn't it?
Beautiful weaving.
Someone at Tambrands pulled this
plug apart to inspect it
and put it back into the box.
Want to see a close-up?
OK, we're done then!
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