Read MUM visitors' remedies for
PMS and other pain. Historical remedies for menstrual
period pain and problems.Would you stop menstruating if you could?
American Meds tampon and ad, 1967
- American Meds ad, 1941


PMS Crunch, a premenstrual sydrome snack
(Time of the Month Inc., contemporary, U.S.A.)
In 1995, Time of the Month Inc. sent the museum a sample of its snack
- see the can, below - designed to combat premenstrual syndrome, PMS.
A few months later, Beth Littleford, of The
Daily Show on Comedy Central television (U.S.A.), who was interviewing
me, wanted to taste it. We both popped a few chunks in front of the camera
while discussing synonyms for menstruation. She said she liked it; I didn't
- but it IS designed for premenstrual women. Maybe she was. (By the way,
the broadcast was pretty respectful of the museum.)
The label states that it's made of "chocolate, nuts & more
chocolate" - but I see some other things, too - and that it's "The
Best Snack . . . period!" Does the company still operate? Send for
a catalog at 1-800-PMS-44ME).
The label features women in various states of PMS distress
(above), and also some improved by the Crunch.
Read MUM visitors' remedies for PMS and other
pain. Historical remedies for menstrual period
pain and problems. Would you stop
menstruating if you could?
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