Up and Liking It and Other Menarche
Booklets (Modess)
of Menstruation and
Women's Health
Several manufacturers of
products for menstrual hygiene
made, and make, educational
booklets for preadolescent and
adolescent girls.
(But at least one company,
Personal Products, maker of o.b.
tampons, and Stayfree, Modess
and Carefree menstrual pads, has
stopped producing booklets - see
below - and has gone to the Web for this information.)
The booklets discuss not only
menstruation (and offered their
own products as the hygienic
solution), but also puberty, the
girls' developing bodies, boys,
and general questions about
growing up. Schools often handed
these items out to girls, and
companies sometimes sold or gave
away "starter kits" of their
products (here's
one for teachers from the
early 1950s). As the tobacco
companies know, girls and boys
will often stay with the product
they start with.
Products Company, (but
see note above), which makes Modess
menstrual pads and tampons
(pronounce Mo as mow, as in "mow
the lawn," not as in modest; and
put the emphasis on "Mo") and
Stayfree menstruation napkins (of
gymnast Cathy
Rigby fame), made the
booklets below.
Tambrands, the former maker
of the Tampax tampon, generously
donated many of these to MUM as
part of a huge gift of material
relating to menstrual hygiene
dating back to the early 1930s,
including 20 booklets of this
kind. It's a fantastic
And read Lynn Peril's series
about these and similar booklets!
The national traveling
exhibit The
Changing Face of Women's
Health (1999-2001) - the biggest
about women's health ever -
borrowed several of these
booklets from MUM to include
digital copies of them in the
relative sizes of the books are

1944 Read the
complete booklet.

1949 Read the
complete booklet.


1956 Read the
complete booklet.
(left and above)
Personal Products also created
these booklets, but I do not know
if they are part of a series.


1957 Read the
complete booklet.

1963 Read the
complete booklet.

1964 Read the
complete booklet.

1970 Read the
complete booklet.
1972 Read the
complete booklet.

1976 Read the
complete booklet

1978 Read
the complete booklet

1991 Read
the complete booklet.
I find the title too aggressive. It's as if
it means "like it, or else!" Hm, point well
Read Lynn Peril's series about
these and similar booklets! See a teaching kit for teachers
(early 1950s).
© 1998 Harry Finley. It is
illegal to reproduce or distribute
any of the work on this Web site in any
manner or medium
without written permission of the author.
Please report
suspected violations to hfinley@mum.org