Modess Sanitary Napkins Began: excerpts
from"A Company That Cares: One Hundred Year
Illustrated History of Johnson and Johnson"
"Panti-kini" (two-band holder to hold
pad in crotch; 1960s-1970s, U.S.A.)
Modess "Sanitary Shield"
(two-band pad holder in crotch; 1970s; U.S.A.)
More panties.

Digest & . . . . because
leaflets (Personal Products,
1966-67, U.S.A.)
Seven covers
with links
Below are Personal
Digest leaflets, published
by Personal Products Company for
Modess sanitary (menstrual) napkins
and tampons, panties and belts to
hold menstrual pads. MUM has
leaflets from 1966 and 1967 (below).
I suspect
women found them in stores next
to, or in, the Modess menstrual
pad boxes. They contained
household and beauty information as
well as descriptions of Modess
products (tampons, sanitary napkins,
The other leaflet's title . . . . because
connects to the classy Modess . . . .
because ad campaign that ran
for decades. The leaflet curiously
shows none of the famous photos nor
the reticence of those ads. It
actually rambles across six panels
rather than the customary four -
maybe relieved to be able to talk!
See below
for the leaflets on this site.
Tambrands, the former maker of
tampons, kindly donated the
© 2009 Harry Finley. It is
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