See the same tampon but as sold in the
Netherlands as Ortex Gold
and in Japan under another name, Anshin.

origami menstrual tampon (Japan,
1971) (the same as Ortex in
the Netherlands and later, Anshin in
Box &
The Japanese tampons on this site
surprise you by their originality,
maybe partly in order to avoid patent
conflicts with Tampax and other
applicator tampons.
I suspect this might be an early
Japanese tampon because of the English
writing (and Caucasian models) and
because the Japanese seem to much
prefer pads.
But this is
actually a British tampon - Cameo -
adapted to the Japanese market just
as the packaging for Tampax has been
changed for markets outside the
U.S.A. I thank a Dutch
contributor for pointing this out and
sending proof (read his comments),
which I add here. But the tampon also
appeared later under another name in
Japan, Anshin
(gift from Tambrands) - a menstrual
melodrama (or something) - and as Ortex Gold Soft
in The Netherlands! I'll show proof of
all these claims.
We know how talented the Japanese
are folding paper into interesting
shapes - origami - and the user of
Anshin got plenty of practice doing
this. It would have helped if she read
the instructions
Another Japanese tampon came with finger cots.
Read some comments about the
Japanese Elldy
In 1997 Tambrands gave the box to
this museum as part of an amazing gift
of 450 boxes of tampons dating to
the founding of the second Tampax
company, 1936, plus hundreds of
other items. And thanks to a Dutch
contributor for pointing out the
British connection and sending

NEXT: Instructions, and ad (in English for
the home product)
See the Anshin and Ortex Gold tampons,
identical to these but in different packaging
for different countries.
Japanese tampon with finger cots - Shampon
Young Japanese stick
tampons - ad for
Elldy tampon with
applicator (October 1996) - Kotex stick tampon
(U.S.A.) - ad for the
Kotex stick tampon (1970s) -
Tampon directory
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