See the same tampon but as sold in the
Netherlands as Ortex Gold
and in Japan under another name, Anshin.

origami menstrual tampon (Japan, 1971)
(the same as Ortex
in the Netherlands and later, Anshin in
Instructions and
an ad for Cameo in English
Ponder the
main Cameo discussion.
In 1997 Tambrands gave the box to
this museum as part of an amazing gift
of 450 boxes of tampons dating to
the founding of the second Tampax
company, 1936, plus hundreds of
other items. And thanks to a Dutch
contributor for pointing out the
British connection and sending proof
in the form of scans.
The instructions are a single sheet of
paper, 8 1/2 x 3 1/4" printed on both
sides and folded once. Sections two
and three, below, form the interior of
the folder. Compare this sheet to the
A Dutchman who has contributed many
items to the museum kindly sent the
scan of the Cameo ad, below, which
comes from the Woman's Mirror
(May 22, 1965). Note the hexagonal
tampons. I enlarged the last lines, at
The woman in the cameo has a hairdo
different from the Japanese logo.

END. See
the Anshin and Ortex Gold tampons,
identical to these but in different packaging
for different countries.
Japanese tampon with finger cots -
Shampon Young Japanese
stick tampons - ad
for Elldy tampon with
applicator (October 1996) - Kotex stick tampon
(U.S.A.) - ad for
the Kotex stick tampon (1970s) -
Tampon directory
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