See the German booklet [Die] Menstruation (excerpts, 1977, o.b. tampons, Germany) Photographer
David Hamilton contributed many photographs to this explicit and beautiful
booklet. By the way, "Die" in the title means "the,"
not to lose life.
Booklets from about this time, 1956:
now you are 10 (complete
booklet, 1958, Kotex, U.S.A.)
Essence of Womanhood (complete
booklet, 1959, Personal Products Corp., Modess tampons, U.S.A.)
Growing Up and Liking It (1957,
The Personal Products Company, U.S.A.)
How shall I tell my daughter? (1954,
Personal Products Co., U.S.A.)
Sally and Mary and Kate Wondered . . . (complete booklet, cover,
1956, Personal Products Corp., U.S.A.)
"You're a young lady now" (complete
booklet, 1952, Kotex, U.S.A.) The first owner
might have printed her named on the back of the booklet. Complete booklet,
1959, apparently with the owner's name cut out.
"From Fiction to Fact: a teaching guide about
puberty, menstruation and the human reproductive system" (complete 1966, 1986, Tambrands, U.S.A. The 1966 version is part of the
huge "Educational Material on Menstruation furnished
by the makers of Tampax," 1966)
Tell it like it is: Straight talk about tampons
(complete booklet, 1968, Kotex stick tampons,
U.S.A., revised 1974; complete booklet, 1981,
although the title lacks the subtitle "Straight talk about tampons").
I wonder if "straight" alludes to
the shape of tampons.
Tampax Junior tampons, late 1930s-1940s
Tampax Satin Learner's Kit (for menstruation),
2001, in 3 languages
Instructions from Tampax about what to tell customers, 1936
Tampax "Educational Material on Menstruation,"
Booklets menstrual hygiene companies made
for girls, women and teachers - patent medicine
- a list of books and articles about menstruation
- videos
See early tampons and a list of tampons on this site - at least the ones I've cataloged.


German Tampax menstrual tampons educational booklet,
Es geht um die besten Jahre Ihres Lebens!
[It's a Matter of the Best Years of Your Life!]
1956[?], Germany
(deutsches Heft, Büchlein, Menstruation,
Aufklärung, problems, PMS, puberty, menstrual cycle, tampons, girls,
Mädchen, Frau, kritische Tage, Geschlechtsreife, Hormone, Wechseljahre,
Whole booklet
See the German booklet [Die] Menstruation (excerpts, 1977, o.b. tampons)
Similar booklets in the column at left.
I thank the Dutch contributor of many items
to the museum and this site for these scans!
Below: P. 18
Here again clearly is the physical picture. You see exactly how simply
and cleanly the tampon is placed. Only those who don't know TAMPAX do without
the advantages of the internal method because the procedure looks unpleasant.
For untold women it's the question of insertion that makes the change to
tampons difficult. The TAMPAX applicator completely eliminates this problem.
And that's the reason millions of women in the world swear by TAMPAX.
The correct placement of the tampon is extremely important for effectiveness,
comfort and stability. The applicator sees to this wonderfully. The upper
part of the vagina is wider and that's just where the tampon must sit.
Here it can completely expand, be held by the muscles in a natural way,
and can't be felt either sitting or moving vigorously.
picture caption
The picture shows the tampon cleanly placed in the right spot, the
upper part of the vagina, just after its insertion.
© 2009 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute any
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