See Kotex's first successful tampon,
Fibs; early Kotex
tampon attempts;
and an early Tampax.
oddities: Sa-tips
(U.S.A.. 1930s-1940s?) Sanpax (the "x" is
overprinted with a "D" on the box) (Israel?
Switzerland? 1970) The instructions are
completely in Hebrew except for one word,
sanpax. Secret
(U.S.A., 1930s-1940s)

EZO menstrual tampons
(1930s?, U.S.A.)
Procter & Gamble kindly
donated the box and contents as
part of a gift of scores of
menstrual products.
The only objects in the box from
the donor were this leaflet (6 x
4.75", about 15.1 x 12 cm) and a tampon.
The left side, below, is the back,
the right the front.
By denying this is a sanitary -
menstrual - napkin (at right) and
calling this
"The next
idea in personal hygiene" the
tampon seems to date itself to the
1930s, maybe early 1930s, the
birth era of commercial menstrual
"EZO is manufactured under the
most sanitary conditions." I found
brown spots
on the tampon, maybe from aging,
maybe not.
Tampax and other brands put
words similar to NO BELTS - NO
on their boxes for years until the
memory of them faded from women's
All photos @2008 Harry Finley
The two interior pages. I wonder
what the antiseptic
is supposed to kill (last
paragraph left side) since most
bacteria in the vagina belong
And a deodorant!
"At one end of the tampon is a
strong inconspicuous [!] cord used
for easy removal."
The tenor of the left-page text
indicates that a menstrual tampon
was a new idea although other
companies wrote
similar text well after tampons
were on the market in the 1930s.
NEXT: the
tampon wrapped,
unwrapped |
oddities: Sa-tips
(U.S.A.. 1930s-1940s?). Sanpax (the
"x" is overprinted with a "D" on
the box) (Israel? Switzerland?
1970) The instructions are
completely in Hebrew except for
one word, sanpax. Secret
(U.S.A., 1930s-1940s)
© 2008 Harry Finley. It is illegal to
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