More about women's health, masturbation, etc., in old American texts:
The Science of a New Life, by Dr. John Cowan,
1875 - in Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Spermatorrhea"
section of The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser
(63rd edition, 1895) - in The Sexual System and Its
Derangements, by Dr. E. C. Abbey (1882) - in Kelly's Gynecology,
1928 - Rachel Maines wrote a book about other doctors' masturbating their patients, male
and female, as a treatment, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries: The Technology of Orgasm: "Hysteria," the Vibrator,
and Women's Sexual Satisfaction (Johns Hopkins Press, 1999)

Plain Facts for Old and Young:
Embracing the Natural History and Hygiene of
Organic Life, by J. H. Kellogg, M. D. (1892, Burlington, Iowa, U.S.A.)
Doctors' advice about menstruation; effect of clothing;
onset of sexual activity
"A medical man whose sense of smell is delicate, soon
learns to know a constipated person by his breath."
"Keep in the fear of the Lord, and your bowels open."
(Advice of a Scottish physician.)
"Perhaps nothing tends more directly to the production
of menstrual derangements, as well as uterine diseases of every sort, than
fashionable modes of dress. . . .Tight-lacing, or compressing the waist
with a corset, is a barbarous practice . . . ." [See also Woman's Physical Freedom for some thoughts about clothing
and menstruation.]