See more Kotex items: First ad
(1921; scroll to bottom of page) - ad, 1928 (Sears and Roebuck
catalog) - Lee
Miller ads (first real person in a
menstrual hygiene ad, 1928) - Marjorie May's Twelfth
Birthday (booklet for girls, 1928,
Australian edition; there are many links here
to Kotex items) - Preparing
for Womanhood (1920s, booklet for
girls; Australian edition) - 1920s booklet in
Spanish showing disposal
method - box
from about 1969 - "Are you in the
know?" ads (Kotex) (1949)(1953)(1964)(booklet, 1956) - See
more ads on the Ads for
Teenagers main page


The Museum of Menstruation and Women's
Greatest of all Kotex
Kotex ad, The Household Magazine
June 1934, U.S.A., probably
Before we get to
the "Greatest of all Kotex
inventions" and in the spirit of
Kotex Depression fun
further down this page let's start
with some 1933 Kotex gossip
and non-menstrual knee-slappers
in the company
magazine, Cooperation.
what's sparking?
Figure this one out: "Olive
Poquette [of the Pad Department] is
sporting a new sparkler; it
won't be long now, Olive." Was she
pregnant? Did
sparking (p.12) produce a sparkler
So, - is that enough to chase the
Great Depression blues? - on to
yellowing and deteriorating paper,
which you see below and can read about
even further down.
The year before, another
glamourosity from Kotex's salon
strutted the Equalizer (below)
(U.S. patent 1, 863, 333). Maybe Kotex
dreamed glamour softened both a period
and the Great Depression, then sinking
the nation. Other
companies did too.
Here's a 1930s non-Wondersoft
Kotex pad and box, probably older than
this ad.
The black-and-white full-page ad
measures 10 7/8 x 13 1/2" (27.6 x 34.3
The paper, newsprint, is yellow
and deteriorating.
The easy, swishy brush strokes
(of guache? oil?) of her dress
characterize the relaxed
painting style.
The text on the side of the box.
The company calls itself "Kotex
Company," one of its names
through its history.
We know Kotex people can
joke (near top of page) but
can they take one? What
if the Kotex beauty above and
below wore a RED flower,
a Camellia? In certain,
er, quarters that would mean
she's, um, menstruating. Which
quarters, you ask? All
questions answered here.
Below, left:
NRA means National
Recovery Administration,
not the National Rifle
Association although that would
have been very
interesting, wouldn't it? In
1934 the Kotex publication
Cooperation mentioned the NRA
in a dismal report on the
nation's - and Kotex's -
economy. Wikipedia says, "[NRA]
was the primary New Deal
agency established by U.S.
president Franklin
D. Roosevelt (FDR) in
1933. The goal was to eliminate
'cut-throat competition' by
bringing industry, labor and
government together to create
codes of 'fair practices' and
set prices. . . . The NRA,
symbolized by the Blue Eagle,
was popular with workers.
Businesses that supported the
NRA put the symbol in their shop
windows and on their packages,
though they did not always go
along with the regulations
entailed. Though membership to
the NRA was voluntary,
businesses that did not display
the eagle were very often boycotted,
making it seem mandatory for
survival to many." The Great
Depression crippled America and
the world though you wouldn't
know it from some
Kotex ads.

From Wikipedia.

From this 1934
the yellowing,
fragile paper:
In 1844, Canadian
inventor Charles
Fenerty and German
F.G. Keller
independently developed
processes for pulping
wood fibers using
alum, which acidified
the fibers. Older
(and recent) wood pulp
book and newspaper pages
crumble after a few
years unlike those made
from rags (cotton). Alum
is "
a variety of aluminium
sulfate salts that is
significantly acidic.
Alum was added to paper
to assist in sizing,[16]
making it somewhat water
resistant so that inks
did not 'run' or spread
uncontrollably. Early
paper makers did not
realize that the alum
they added liberally to
cure almost every
problem encountered in
making their product
would eventually be
detrimental." (All
information and quotes
from Wikipedia.)
Kotex, by the way,
made its pads (and tampons) from this wood pulp (Cellucotton), competitor
Modess made its
from cotton - points
of contention in
the companies'
See more Kotex items: First ad
(1921; scroll to bottom of page) - ad, 1928 (Sears and Roebuck
catalog) -
Lee Miller ads
(first real person in a menstrual hygiene ad,
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