See a 1930s pad, Society, and a "silent purchase" ad for
Modess, 1928.
Some Modess ads: 1931,"Modess . . . . because"
ads, the French
Modess, and the German "Freedom"
(Kimberly-Clark) for teens.
See a prototype
of the first Kotex ad.

Why the tabs, belt or suspenders
holding a menstrual pad
or cloth must be LONGER in the back
Cross section of a
woman's pelvis, showing menses (red) escaping
the uterus and vagina to be caught by
the pad (white). (Illustration by
Harry Finley)
or holders must reach farther in the
back because of the buttocks, even
if the tab sits between them. (This
an issue in redesigning pads in the
1920s in America; see the Gilbreth
report.) The vaginal opening and vulva
lie also somewhat forward between the
legs, making the back distance longer
(look at the blue
bars, which give a rough idea of the
difference of distance).
See how a woman wore a
belt (in a 1970s Swedish ad) and
on a mannequin
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