See Kotex's first successful tampon,
Fibs; early Kotex
tampon attempts;
and an early Tampax.
Procter & Gamble tampons
from the 1970s: Trust,

Daints menstrual tampons
(1930s? U.S.A.)
Procter & Gamble kindly
donated the boxes and contents
as part of a gift of scores of
menstrual products.
The two sides of the enclosed
3-panel leaflet, which measures
9.75 x 2.25" (24.6 x 5.7 cm)
when fully extended as shown.
The reading order, however, is
different as you'll see below.

I'll arrange the pages in the
order the reader would see and
read them.
You see the pages as they really
are - the text is actually that
close to the edge.
means menstrual and is often used
in the industry and in medicine.
Read what
causes menstrual odor. "Doctors have
long prescribed . . . ."
refers to doctors'
using tampons
to insert medication into the
vagina (the ancient
Egyptians did that too) or
to absorb
discharge, as this text describes.
Isn't it interesting that
menstruation's not explicitly
The string is 4" long.
In the second paragraph look at
the subjunctive
mood, "If insertion be
difficult . . . ,"
seldom seen today and dating the
tampon. "The subjunctive mood is
in its death throes,
and the best thing to do is to put
it out of its misery as soon as
possible," the writer
(Of Human Bondage, The Moon and
Sixpence, "Rain") Somerset
Maugham said.
What's a prolapsus?
Compare this chart to the one
saleswomen used when showing
customers how to use Wix tampons.
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