MORE Tampax
booklets & the company history:
Hvordan Kroppen Din Forandrer Seg ("How
Body Changes," complete
booklet, Tampax tampons, Norway,
1990; my translation) A Norwegian kindly
donated the booklet
It's a Woman's World
(complete booklet,
[1980s?] Tampax, U.S.A.)
it's time you knew . . .
[all about menstruation] (complete booklet,
1966, Tampax, U.S.A.)
Q girls &
boys A (complete
booklet, 1987, Tambrands, U.S.A.) Puberty booklet for
girl & boy teens. Explains
menstruation, adolescence, personal
care, exercise, tampons, menstrual pads,
nutrition, TSS, skin care & it
promotes Tampax Maxithins, panty
shields, & tampons
Small Wonder:
How Tambrands began, prospered and grew
(1986, 50th anniversary of the company) history of Tampax Inc.
and Tambrands that the company
probably commissioned. Tambrands
generously donated the beautiful book.
Modess booklets:
Growing Up and Liking It (complete
booklets: 1944, 1949, 1957, 1963, 1964, 1970, 1972, 1976, 1991 The Personal
Products Company, U.S.A.) (many covers, 1944-1978)
Wrapped Modess pad
for dispenser (1930s?) - Modess ad, U.K., 1936 - True or False?
Modess ad in The American Girl magazine,
January 1947
Panties: Modess "Sanitary
Shield" (two-band pad holder in
crotch; 1970s; U.S.A.)
Modess "Panti-kini"
(two-band holder to hold pad in crotch;
1960s-1970s, U.S.A.)
Many more women's underpants
See also Ads for
Teaching Guide for Menstrual Hygiene" (cover, 1962,
Personal Products Corp., U.S.A.)
"A Teacher's Guide to
Feminine Hygiene" (cover, 1973,
Personal Products Corp., U.S.A.)
"Educational Material
on Menstruation furnished by the makers of
Tampax" (1966) U.S.A.
Folder with huge
number of information sheets, etc.
"Educational Portfolio
on Menstrual Hygiene" (1968)
U.S.A. Teacher's kit for Modess sanitary
napkins, menstrual tampons and
panties (mostly complete)
"From Fiction to Fact:
a teaching guide about puberty,
menstruation and the human reproductive
system" (complete
1966, 1986, Tambrands,
U.S.A. The 1966 version is part of the huge
"Educational Material
on Menstruation furnished by the makers of
Tampax," 1966)
"Teacher's kit"
(complete, early
1950s, Personal Products Corp., U.S.A.)


it's natural[,] it's normal[,]
it has
a purpose... by
Eleanor Howe (1952,
Tampax Inc., U.S.A.)
This small booklet is part of a
tradition of companies writing
explanatory guides for new
menstruators (more here).
It differs from the extensive
explanations given in other places
such as the Tampax
Bulletins and the huge Educational
Material on Menstruation
Read a roughly contemporary German
Tampax booklet that warns
it's for women only! Well,
I guess that leaves me
out! 'Cept I did read it.
the same time, a booklet from
Kotex appeared: "You're a
young lady now"
(complete booklet, 1952,
Kotex, U.S.A.) The first owner
might have printed her named on
the back of the booklet. A later
complete booklet, 1959,
apparently with the owner's name
cut out.
I thank the Dutch
donor for these scans and many
other items donated to this
Below: Back
& front covers. Each tiny page
measures 4.1
x 5.7" (105 x 145 mm),
reminding me
of the small Marjorie
May booklets from Kotex.
The blue
matches the deep blue found on some
Tampax boxes AND
the same time, a booklet from
Kotex: "You're a young lady
now" (complete booklet,
Kotex, U.S.A.) The first owner
might have printed her named on
the back of the booklet.
Complete booklet, 1959,
apparently with the owner's name
cut out.
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