If you create or own art
concerning menstruation or menopause and are
interested in showing it on thesepages (it's
free!), contact MUM
Marie Claire magazine
(Italian edition) featured several of the
above artists in an article
about this museum and menstruation in 2003.
The newspaper Corriere della Sera (Io Donna
magazine) (Milan, Italy) and the magazine
Dishy (Turkey) showed some of the artists in
2005 in articles about this museum.

The Art of Menstruation at the Museum of
Menstruation and Women's Health

"Mandragora menstrvalis"

"Vvlva dropping and reflected"
Opera Sangvinea
Dessovs vne Lvne Menstrvel
Ta Vvlve mon calice sacreé.
Mon vin Ton Sang.
De Toi j'ai été Vampir,
O Lvne Menstrvel de ma Nvit Satvrniènne!
Vnder a Menstrval Moon
Yovr Vvlva my sacred chalice.
My wine Yovr Blood.
Of Yov I were Vampire,
Oh Menstrval Moon of my Satvrnine Night!
Poem, translation and drawings
by Maldoror Capvt Corvi, who
This is part of an alchemical
artwork project. The Menstrval
drawing and poem are part of a Work
called Opera Sangvinea (a Work
of Blood) concerning the Red
stage in the alchemical process,
known as the Rvbedo stage, Red Dawn
or Avrora Consvrgens. This red stage
of the alchemical process is
symbolized by Venvs, the Morning
Star, the Dawn. The Avrora or the
Red Dawn becames after the Night.
Satvrnine Night or the Nigredo
(Blackness) is the stage, in the
same alchemical process, that
preceeds the Rvbedo or the Red Dawn.
Satvrnine becavse, in alchemy,
Satvrn is a symbol of Death and
Melancholy. This is a stage of Death
also called Pvtrefaction,
Mortification and Raven's Head,
symbolized by the Black Svn and the
Raven. Opera Nigra is, so,
the name of the Art prodvction that
becames before the Opera
Sangvinea or Opera Rvbea.
These artwork projects make part of
a global project of Arts called
PVTREFACTIO - mvsic (hermetic), live
performance, video, painting,
drawing, poetry - .
The sovnd projects: Ipse
Morietvr; Satvrnsk¦ Ensemble; Capvt
Corvi; Nox Satvrnii; Datvra
Stramonivm. I prefer to call it hermetic
mvsic, or satvrnine mvsic,
although some define it as contemporary
experimental mvsic; obscvre ritval
mvsic; death-indvstrial and even
anti-mvsic. Mvsical
instrvments are anti-conventional,
like sickles, as an example. The
sickle is connotated with Satvrn
(who always has one in his hand).
The artist added, "I am from
Satvrn bvt I live in Lisbon,
NEXT artist:
See all the
artists in the links in the
left-hand column.
If you create or own art
concerning menstruation or
menopause and are interested in
showing it on these pages (it's
free!), contact MUM
Bea Nettles' art The Moonsisters
© 2002 Harry Finley. It is
illegal to reproduce or distribute
work on this Web site in any manner
or medium without written permission
of the author. Please report
suspected violations to hfinley@mum.org