If you create or own art
concerning menstruation or menopause and are
interested in showing it on thesepages (it's
free!), contact MUM
Marie Claire magazine
(Italian edition) featured several of the
above artists in an article
about this museum and menstruation in 2003.
The newspaper Corriere della Sera (Io Donna
magazine) (Milan, Italy) and the magazine
Dishy (Turkey) showed some of the artists in
2005 in articles about this museum.

The Art of Menstruation at the Museum of
Menstruation and Women's Health

"10 Tablespoons a
It's inspired by an artist on this
site and "documents all the sanitary
paraphernalia that a woman uses
monthly. . . It's headless because
it's every woman who has a menses."

"The Gift'
It shows "how vaginas have a
flower-like quality."
'Bleed for God'
Also uses menstrual blood.
ALL ART COPYRIGHT 2005 Quiara Z. Escobar
The artist Zoey (Quiara Z.
Escobar) writes that she used
pencil, then ink and red marker on
paper 14"x11" originally. She's an
art teacher and painter who lives in
New York City. She continues,
I realized how I hid my menses
each month and became aware of
messages I receive which are
mostly negative. I read a t-shirt
once that said I don't trust
anything that bleeds for five days
and lives. Our culture sees
menstruation as something unclean
and yet without it we can not
create life.
I had a friend who wouldn't
allow menstruating women to sit in
his house. He was scarred as a
child when he found a disposed pad
in the trash and thought his mom
was dying. If it weren't hidden
but revered then beliefs about
menses would be different. Hiding
menstruation, tampons, pads, and
experiences leads to warped
thinking, misconceptions,
ignorance and shame. I can
honestly say that my cycle has
come and gone and I have seen it
as a nuisance at times, an
inconvenience, punishment from God
or a blessing when I see my nieces
and nephews.
I must say I was pleasantly
surprised by your site. A museum
dedicated to menstruation. For
some reason this month as I
received my menses I felt that
everywhere I turned there was
dialogue on the subject. Tampon
commercials (you know she can't
sleep in white pjs and sheets),
ads and conversations in
On the View they dedicated one
whole segment; who knew that every
month those 10 tablespoonful of
blood would inspire a museum. I
got online and researched
menstruation and was amazed to
find your site. I went to dinner
last night with some friends and
told them about your site. They
were floored. I was wondering if
you still do private visits to
the museum? A group of my
friends would like to visit your
Also, in my family tampons were
seen as hymen breakers or
de-virginizers. So to say the
least I was not encouraged to used
them. I had to hide them from my
mom and wear those diapers called
pads instead.
Thank you for your time and
efforts on behalf of women,
NEXT artist:
Fanni Fazekas
See all the
artists in the links in the
left-hand column.
If you create or own art
concerning menstruation or
menopause and are interested in
showing it on these pages (it's
free!), contact MUM
© 2005 Harry Finley. It is
illegal to reproduce or distribute
work on this Web site in any manner
or medium without written permission
of the author. Please report
suspected violations to hfinley@mum.org