If you create or own art
concerning menstruation or menopause and are
interested in showing it on thesepages (it's
free!), contact MUM
Marie Claire magazine
(Italian edition) featured several of the
above artists in an article
about this museum and menstruation in 2003.
The newspaper Corriere della Sera (Io Donna
magazine) (Milan, Italy) and the magazine
Dishy (Turkey) showed some of the artists in
2005 in articles about this museum.

The Art of Menstruation at the Museum of
Menstruation and Women's Health
"Freedom with Wix"
Encaustic collage, 5" x 7"
Leigh Radtke, 2004

"Fax 1930"
Encaustic collage, 5" x 7"
Leigh Radtke, 2004
"Cashay Tampon Insertion
Encaustic and batik, 8" x 11"
Leigh Radtke, 2004

The artist's
postcard, front and
announcing her exhibit
in 2004.
art and the artist's
statement are
copyright 2004 Leigh
Next page of Leigh Radtke's art here.
See and read more
about Wix, fax
and Cashay.
Leigh Radtke's - the artist -
My life as an artist began with a
monotype printing class taken at
Fogbelt Studios in the Sunset. I
fell in love with printing. I
discovered that printing is
playing. I play with oil based
inks and all sorts of collage
materials such as, magazine
clippings, plastic dolls, dried
plants, plastic fruit, pieces of
flags, and recently Barbie.
Printing had lead me to resin and
encaustic mixed media pieces. Left
to my own devices my political
bent peaks out in my work and my
love of Americana can not be
denied. What I would most like to
convey is that I can express my
political views, make fun of the
absurdities of our culture and
represent nature all while
completely enjoying myself!
I am an artist and a poet. I have
exhibited at The Sanchez Art
Center, with the Santa Cruz Art
League, Northern California Arts,
in group shows with the Sunset
Artists Society and one of my
Barbie's was in Altered Barbie's
2004! My poems have been published
in the Adirondac review, Shampoo
Poetry, and Hazel Street.
Now that the formalities are
done, let me tell you a little
about my art. One day
while reaching for a tampon the
insertion instructions fell to the
floor. I thought that the
instructions would make a
wonderful collage element. Then I
came across MUM. How wonderful
those old images are! Well to make
a long story short, Harry allowed
me to use the images and an
encaustic collage series was born.
One of my goals with these
collages was to make the viewer
need to take a close look to
understand the subject matter. To
see a collage and think, 'oh how
pretty', and then smile! Another
goal was to bring tampons out as
the bell of the ball! To make them
look pretty, happy, and fun! I
hope I have succeeded!!! My
encaustic collages often consist
of wax, nylons, plastic,
thumbtacks, wallpaper, cyanotype
prints, monotype prints and pieces
of a photograph. The translucent
quality of wax makes it a great
collage medium. This
see-through-ness is something I
really enjoy and use a lot in my
Please feel free to e-mail me at
All art and the artist's
statement are copyright 2004
Leigh Radtke
NEXT artist:
See all the
artists in the links in the
left-hand column.
If you create or own art
concerning menstruation or
menopause and are interested in
showing it on these pages (it's
free!), contact MUM
© 2004 Harry Finley. It is
illegal to reproduce or distribute
work on this Web site in any manner
or medium without written permission
of the author. Please report
suspected violations to hfinley@mum.org