Lil-lets ad from
the United Kingdom (1988)
See early tampons Dale,
Wix and B-ettes and a bunch of other
earlier ones.
See a Modess pad ad
from 1928 - Compare the American "Modess . . . . because"
ads, the French
Modess, and the German "Freedom"
(Kimberly-Clark) for teens.
See a San-Nap-Pak
ad from 1945 in American Girl, the Girl Scout
magazine, and a box of San-Nap-Pak tampons
See a Modess True or
False? ad in The American Girl magazine,
January 1947, and actress Carol
Lynley in "How Shall I Tell My Daughter"
booklet ad (1955) - Modess
. . . . because ads (many dates).

Lil-lets menstrual tampons (South Africa,
Beginning side of the instructions
Note the Afrikaans on the left and
English on the right, multi-language
instructions being a common sight in
tampon boxes, especially in Europe.
The instructions use blue for most of
the writing, red for the flowers and
both for the drawings, with the tampon
white. Except for the sample drawing
somewhat down the page, I made the
instructions black and white to save
you down-load time.


This is a true-color
version of the illustration,
above, and proves that red
sometimes, rarely, appears
as part of
packaging; but I dare you to
show me red "fluid" rather
than blue in the
demonstrations about how
absorbent tampons and pads
are! (Read an early
American discussion - 1927
- of color in
packaging.) "Fluid" is
another euphemism; what it
stands for is menstrual
discharge, of course,
something they don't want to
say out loud - just as feces
are unmentionable in a
toilet-paper ad. Maybe
they're right.
The second, concluding side of the

or Sister Leslie,
in the last paragraph,
stands in a long line of
advisors to consumers about
menstrual products. Here
"Sister" I believe means
nurse, as it does in German
("Schwester" or
"Krankenschwester"), thus
strengthening the medical
connection and giving
confidence to the woman with
questions. See another
famous sister and advisor
to women.
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