See the actual Pursette
tampon, box and tote - see more ads for Pursettes:
Seventeen, July 1972
letter testimonial) - 'Teen magazine, October 1974 (cartoon
story)- Seventeen, February
1974 (cartoon story)- Seventeen, September 1972 (letter
testimonial) - Seventeen, August 1973 (letter
testimonial) - undated
"regular" ad

Pursettes menstrual tampon ad, 1975
You see here one of the main points
about menstruation in America: it must
be kept secret
(the word is actually used here and in
other Pursettes ads).
Therefore a woman should not use pads
(this was a time of thick pads); she
should use tiny Pursettes, and she has
no applicator to give her away,
See this and related points in the
other Pursettes ads listed above,
especially the concern about boys' knowing that a
girl is menstruating.
Horrors! This is an attitude that
feeds on itself, with secrecy forcing
the need for more secrecy. Crazy.
The ad is from 1975, but
there is no month or magazine
Large file,
long download time!

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