See more
Pursettes ads: September
1972 (letter testimonial) - August 1974 (cartoon
story) - October 1974
(cartoon story) - February
1974 (cartoon story) - August 1973 (letter
testimonial) - 1975
(cartoon story) - undated
"regular" ad
See an actual Pursettes compact and a real box of Pursettes and
the tampon itself.
And see famous people, some under twenty, in
menstrual products advertising.

Pursettes tampon ad, 1972
Pursettes, a tampon with a
lubricated tip which was sold in the
U.S.A in the 1960s through the 1980s,
used cartoon advertising to appeal to
a young audience (as did Saba in
A remarkable
thing to note here is that the
writer uses a semi-colon, and
correctly (fifth and sixth
lines down: "They agree; there's
really nothing like them.")!
Grab the first kid you see walking
down the street by his or her scruffy
t-shirt and scream, "USE A SEMI-COLON
IN A SENTENCE!" You will probably vote
for school vouchers thereafter, a bad
idea, making our schools even worse,
especially for poor people.
The bulk of the letter corresponds
to how you would think a majorette
would write a letter: a little too
enthusiastically, as are the other
testimonials. But that's what a
testimonial is supposed to be.
It would be interesting to know how
her life turned out: she's probably in
her early forties.
See the September
1972 ad for commentary about
testimonial ads in general, etc.
This ad is from July 1972.

San-Nap tampons box -
See San-Nap-Pak sanitary
napkin ads from 1932
and 1945 and Ads for teenagers.
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