See more ads for
Pursettes: July
1972 (letter testimonial) - August 1973
(letter testimonial) - February
1974 (cartoon story) - September 1972
(letter testimonial) - August 1974
(letter testimonial) - 1975 (cartoon
story) - undated
"regular" ad

Pursettes menstrual tampon ad, 1974
Pursettes, a tampon (here)
with a lubricated tip which was
sold in the U.S.A in the 1960s
through the 1980s, used cartoon
advertising to appeal to a young
audience (as did Saba in
The stories were similar.
Typically one girl advises another
to use Pursettes because of its lubrication and
size. And of course the
stories involved boys,
sometimes showing that because
this tampon is so small, a boy
would not notice it even if he saw
it. Frankly, I don't think a
boy would have cared that much.
But the ads kept girls on their
toes - and fearful.
Better not use the applicator
brand! But that was a tough sell
(as it is with menstrual
cups), and the brand died
This ad is from October 1974,
about the same time as the Saba

See more ads for
Pursettes: July
1972 (letter testimonial) - August 1973
(letter testimonial) - February
1974 (cartoon story)
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