See a Pursettes
booket for teenagers (late 1950s?).
The Pursettes black plastic
tote (carrier) with tampons. (An ad sold
the tote, and an enthusiastic customer mentions the tote in her testimonial.)
Tampax keeps an eye on its competitor Pursettes:
Tampax tampon inter-office memo with attached
ads, U.S.A., 1964
Want to be a SCHOOLEBRITY in the know?
(Huh, you say?) Read
Are you in the know? BOOKLET collection
of the great pad & etiquette tips for teens
Kotex ran for decades (but without the ads) (1956)
Booklets menstrual hygiene companies made
for girls, women and teachers - patent medicine
- a list of books and articles about menstruation
See early tampons and a list of tampons on this site - at least the ones I've cataloged.


Pursettes menstrual
tampons box of 40, 1960s?
Campana Corp., Batavia, Illinois, U.S.A.
teenage, women, health, menstruation, no applicator, lubricated tip
I thank the contributor!
Below: The two-sided instructions are a paper sheet measuring 8 x 6
1/8" (20.3 x 15.6 cm).
Below: The sheet at right folds so that
this is the top page of
the instructions, which is the second panel on the bottom row of
the folder side immediately to the right. It measures 2 x 3" (about
5 x 7.8 cm).
Below: First side of the whole sheet.
At RIGHT is the other side.
Below: The other side
Below: Enlargements of the first
side of the sheet. I flipped the top row
to make it readable.
Below: See what happened when I
dipped the ancient Dale tampon
into water.
Below: Like Tampax, Pursettes magically
enabled women to swim, the subject of many jokes.
"Unmarried girls" means virgins.
I can see the baffled girls reading this if it were written today.
I measured the diameter of the tip and the text does not lie. A German Tampax booklet also
delves into the size of the hole in the hymen,
a subject not usually broached - anywhere. Try bringing it up during a wedding
reception. Tampax ran an ad about the virginity
Below: Enlargement of the other
side of the sheet.
© 2010 Harry Finley. It is illegal to reproduce or distribute any
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