Pursettes menstrual tampon ad, February 1974,
'Teen magazine
Why did Pursettes fail?
At least one tampon before Pursettes
had a lubricated tip, Dale. Why
weren't there more? Wouldn't the
lubrication make it easier to insert
the tampon into a somewhat dry vagina?
A reader sends her explanation:
I can offer a theory on why
Pursettes tampons got discontinued.
Although the notion of a lubricated
tampon is nice, the reality is that
they didn't work so well. This was
the first kind of tampon I ever
tried (in the early 1980s). The
lubricant, which was dried upon the
tampon, acted more like a glue and
made insertion terribly difficult
unless one was bleeding very
heavily. A tampon with nothing on it
(such as OB)
slides in far more easily than one
which glues itself to the outside of
the body upon contact. I ended up
using KY jelly to get these things
in and then switching to Kotex tampons
on my next cycle.
Pursettes often used such cartoons
for its ads (here
and here)
but also all-word testimonials,
some of which defy belief.
Very large
file so you can read the writing.
Pursettes crows that it can hold more
"fluid" than the leading tampon
(probably Tampax) a problem related to
the toxic shock outbreak about six
years later; Rely
tampon was at the center of
that. I wonder if Pursettes had a
problem with toxic shock. And, wow,
record players are so last
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