See a Dutch
Libresse ad, 1998. See an old American
tampon, Lotus.
Read a Personal Products booklet for older
girls from about this time, The Periodic Cycle
(1938). See similar
booklets on this site.
menstrual hygiene companies made for girls,
women and teachers - patent
medicine - a list
of books and articles about menstruation - videos
See a Kotex ad
advertising a Marjorie May booklet.
See many more similar booklets.
See ads for
menarche-education booklets: Marjorie May's Twelfth
Birthday (Kotex, 1932), Tampax tampons (1970,
with Susan Dey), Personal
Products (1955, with Carol Lynley),
and German o.b.
tampons (lower ad, 1981)
And read Lynn Peril's series about
these and similar booklets!
Read the full text of the 1935 Canadian edition
of Marjorie May's Twelfth Birthday, probably
identical to the American edition.
More ads for teens (see also introductory page
for teenage advertising): Are you in the know? (Kotex napkins and Quest
napkin powder, 1948, U.S.A.), Are you in the know? (Kotex napkins and belts,
1949, U.S.A.)Are
you in the know?
(Kotex napkins, 1953, U.S.A.), Are you in the know? (Kotex napkins and belts,
1964, U.S.A.), Freedom (1990, Germany), Kotex (1992, U.S.A.), Pursettes (1974, U.S.A.), Pursettes (1974, U.S.A.), Saba (1975, Denmark)
See early tampons
and a list of tampon
on this site - at least the ones I've

Telephone-booth ad for Libresse
menstrual pads
London, England (2006?)
There's much evidence that the
British have humor - er, humour -
and it's strengthened by the ad
below. The contributor, the
gentleman who also sent us radio
ads by gymnast Cathy Rigby
and for the infamous Rely tampon,
Mr. Finley--
I was going through some photos
of London and got a laugh from
this one. A bit of subtle
British humour - the phone box
with the pantyliner advert has a
handle and the one next to it is
I appreciate that you were able
to use the three Rely radio
spots that I sent you awhile
Your work and website are top
I took the picture a few years
back. I believe the phone
boxes were located near the
London Marriott. Something
about the image struck me a
bit humorous and it wasn't
till I had the film
developed did I notice the
I will look to see if I
can find the date. The British
do have a DRY sense of humour.
Just like the woman in the TV ad
for hemorrhoids, how'd you like to
be typecast as a pantyliner? At
the same time she's fending you
off she looks cheerful; maybe
she's faking it. Or maybe those
arms wrap around the panty crotch,
replacing the usual wings. Dunno.
See an ad for Libresse on a bus stop
in the Netherlands.
Thanks again to the generous
The booth sits near the London
See a Tassette
cup ad in Times Square
in New York City, 1961, and an ad for Kotex
on a boxcar,
Yet more evidence
for British humor. See a Dutch Libresse ad,
1998. See an old American tampon, Lotus.
© 2007 Harry Finley. It is illegal to
reproduce or distribute any of the work on
this Web site in
any manner or medium without written
permission of the author. Please report
suspected violations